CGP 4.0

CGP Research Call Round 4.0. (17 Awarded Projects)

Under the Fourth Call for Research Proposals (CGP 4.0), announced on 08 May 2022, the program received 187 applications under 21 specific research topics. Through its 3-stage competitive review process, the program made 17 awards amounting Rs. 38.5 million. The work on the CGP Round four 17 Research Projects was initiated on October 15 2022. The mid-term reports of both the projects were prepared, presented and evaluated in the Mid-term Review Workshop. The detail of projects is given below:


List of Projects

Detail of PITitle of StudyStart DateStudy Of DurationPhysical ProgressMentors
Azwar Muhammad AslamUnlocking Pakistan Railway Dead Capital2022-10-1506 months80%Ahmed Waqar Qasim & Omer Siddique 2022-10-26 10:06
Moazzam AliAlternate Use of Public Assets: A Case Study of Allama Iqbal Open University, Islamabad2022-10-1506 months80%Ahmed Waqar Qasim & Zahid Asghar 2022-10-26 10:03
Muhammad Shafaat NawazLeveraging Bazaar Industrial Clusters for Planned Spatial Economic Development2022-10-1506 months80%Ather Maqsood Ahmed & Ahmed Jamal Pirzada2022-10-26 10:01
Abdul WahidBuilding-up Policy Framework for Business Incubation Ecosystem in Pakistan2022-10-1506 months80%Zafar ul Hassan & Zain ul Abdin2022-10-26 09:58
Mazhar AbbasExploration and Analysis of the Drivers of Urban Sprawl in Pakistan: A Case Study of Lahore2022-10-1506 months80%Murtaza Haider & Izza Aftab2022-10-26 09:56
Ghazanfar IqbalAn Ignored Solution to K-12 Education Problems in Pakistan: Framework for Mainstreaming Career Education2022-10-1506 months80%Abdul Salam Lodhi & M. Aman Ullah2022-10-26 09:53
Mohammad Ahsan AchakzaiNature, Causes and Consequences of Youth Unemployment in Balochistan: An Empirical Analysis2022-10-1506 months80%Abdul Salam Lodhi & M. Aman Ullah2022-10-26 09:49
Aqsa ShabbirInvestigating Engineering Graduates Employability Using Advanced Machine Learning: Aggregate Trends and Determinants2022-10-1506 months80%Izza Aftab & Murtaza Haider2022-10-26 09:46
Nagina Gul Skilled Women’s Self-employability and TVET Programs in Balochistan: An Empirical Study2022-10-1506 months80%Hafeez Jamali & Abdul Salam Lodhi 2022-10-26 09:43
Alvina Sabah IdreesFactors Associated With School Drop-out in Pakistan: An Assessment Using Survival Analysis2022-10-1504 months80%Durre Nayab & Naeem uz Zafar2022-10-26 09:40
Shujahat AliPrisons as Pathways to Rehabilitation of Criminality? A Case Study of the Prison’s Effect on Long-Term Rehabilitation Outcomes in Haripur Jail2022-10-1506 months80%Zahid Asghar & Hafeez Jamali 2022-10-26 09:37
Saad S. KhanCritical Appraisal of Institutional and Legal Infrastructure of Revenue Courts in Pakistan to Minimize Sludge in Agriculture Property Cases2022-10-1506 months80%Zafar Ul Hassan & Ahmed Waqar Qasim 2022-10-26 09:34
Ahsan Jamal PirzadaInvestigating the Procedural, Institutional and Circumstantial Impediments Leading to Delay in Dispensation of Justice2022-10-1506 months80%Khalid Chauhan & Sultan Mehmood2022-10-26 09:30
Saima SarwarBottlenecks or inefficiencies: A Critical Analysis of Judicial Efficiency and Court Productivity in the Lower Judiciary System of Punjab2022-10-1506 months80%Sultan Mehmood & Omer Siddique 2022-10-26 09:26
Verda SalmanTechnology Adoption in Islamabad Police2022-10-1506 months80%Khalid Chauhan & Zain ul Abdin 2022-10-26 09:22
Amer ShakeelWithholdingisation of Taxation System: Beneficial or Not?2022-10-0106 Months80%Ather Maqsood Ahmed & Ahmed Jamal Pirzada 2022-10-26 09:10
Muhammad Ahmad BarulaTaming the Leviathan Towards Public Sector Resource Efficiency in Pakistan: Fiscal Federalism or Fiscal Decentralization.2022-10-1506 months80%Ather Maqsood Ahmed & Ahmed Jamal Pirzada2022-10-26 08:59