CGP RESEARCH CALL ROUND 6.0. (26 Awarded Projects)
Under the 6th Call for Research Proposals (CGP 6.0), announced on November 07, 2023, the RASTA CGP programme received 318 applications under the themes of ‘Fiscal Management’, ‘Public Sector Management’, ‘Business, Investment and Exports’, ‘Institutions’, and ‘Gig Economy’. Through its competitive 2-stage review process, the program made 26 awards, amounting Rs. 57.8 million. The research work on the CGP Round 6.0 awarded Research Projects was initiated on April 15, 2024. Interim reports of all 26 research projects will be presented in the Mid-term Review Workshop, followed by presentations of Final Reports at the RASTA Conference. The final output of these projects will be published in the forms of 1) Working Papers, 2) Local Research Local Solutions Book Volumes, and 3) RASTA Special PDR Journal Articles.
ID | Project Title (CGP Topic) | PI Details | Award Details | Mentor(s) |
06-008 | Agenda of Tax Reform | HAFIZ A PASHA | Duration 06 months PKR 2,000,000/- | Nadeem Ul Haque |
06-043 | Effect of Firm’s Big Data Analytics Capability on Competitive Advantage: Mediating Effect of Business Model Innovation and Moderating Effect of Environmental Uncertainty | CHAUDRY BILAL AHMAD KHAN | Duration 06 months PKR 2,600,000/- | Murtaza Haider & Zahid Asghar |
06-057 | A Dynamic CGE-Sludge Framework for Pakistan | MUHAMMAD ZESHAN | Duration 06 months PKR 500,000/- | A Waqar Qasim |
06-064 | A Study on Implications of Gender Gap in Digital Financial Literacy and Financial Inclusion for Women Entrepreneurs in Punjab, Pakistan | TAHIRA SADAF | Duration 06 months PKR 2,000,000/- | Omer Siddique & Izza Aftab |
06-080 | The Effects of a Tax -Financed Government Spending | SYED ZAHID ALI | Duration 06 months PKR 800,000/- | Ather Maqsood & Mehmood Khalid |
06-081 | Impact of the Land Record Management Information System (LRMIS) on Land Related Corruption in Government Administration and Management Departments: A Quasi-Natural Experiment in Punjab, Pakistan | SAQIB HUSSAIN | Duration 06 months PKR 3,000,000/- | Murtaza Haider & M Amanullah |
06-092 | Comprehensive Baseline Assessment and Sustainable Pathways for Solid Waste Management: Integrating Perspectives, Practices, and Environmental Impact | SHOAIB MUHAMMAD | Duration 06 months PKR 2,500,000/- | Junaid A Memon & Amina Qureshi |
06-121 | Tech Index Pakistan: A Statistical Approach to Understanding the Relationship between Technology, Competition, and Growth | MUHAMMAD HARIS HANIF | Duration 06 months PKR 589,160/- | Izza Aftab & Rabeeh Ayaz |
06-124 | Will Broadening of the Tax Base Broaden Tax Revenue Base? A Case Study of Pakistan | ZEHRA FAROOQ | Duration 06 months PKR 2,500,000/- | Zafar ul Hassan & Ahmed Jamal Pirzada |
06-136 | Evaluation of Balochistan’s Katchhi Canal Project | IRFAN ALI | Duration 06 months PKR 3,000,000/- | Hafeez Jamali & A Salam Lodhi |
06-156 | Single Sub-National Revenue Collecting Authority: A Case of Baluchistan | NOOR-UL-HAQ BALOCH | Duration 06 months PKR 2,200,000/- | Naeem uz Zafar & Amanullah |
06-160 | Digitization and Automation of Administrative Procedures; Building Solution to Address Sludge in Setting-up Businesses | YASIR ZADA KHAN | Duration 06 months PKR 600,000/- | Omer Siddique & A Waqar Qasim |
06-194 | Exploring the Avenues of Adoption of Agricultural UAVs by the Small -to- Large Landholdings Farmers | SHOAIB RASHID SALEEM | Duration 06 months PKR 2,600,000/- | David Orden & Junaid A Memon |
06-195 | Unlocking synergies through public value co-creation: A Holistic Examination of Public-Private Partnerships in Punjab’s Educational Landscape | SHABANA NAVEED | Duration 06 months PKR 3,000,000/- | Rafiullah Kakar & M Amanullah |
06-200 | Central Bank Digital Currency, Financial Competition and Growth: Identifying Challenges, Opportunities and Applications | ABDUL RASHID | Duration 06 months PKR 2,200,000/- | Ather Maqsood & Omer Siddique |
06-210 | Female Voting Preferences in District Buner, Pakistan | HASSAN SHAH | Duration 06 months PKR 1,500,000/- | Durre Nayab & Sultan Mehmood |
06-226 | Micro-Credentials for Gig Economy: Implications for Higher Education Sector in Pakistan | MEHFOOZ ULLAH | Duration 06 months PKR 2,200,000/- | Zahid Asghar & Zain ul Abdin |
06-231 | Unveiling the Trajectory: How the 18th Amendment Reshaped Functional Spending Multipliers in Pakistan | IFFAT ARA | Duration 06 months PKR 2,400,000/- | Zafar ul Hassan & Naeem uz Zafar |
06-245 | Empowering Sustainable Aquaculture Enterprises: Unveiling the Potential of Biofloc Technology in Investments, Compliance, and Growth Strategies | AIMA IRAM BATOOL | Duration 06 months PKR 2,500,000/- | Zafar ul Hassan & A Salam Lodhi |
06-250 | Impact Assessment of TDAP Women Development Program on Technology Adaption in Female Entrepreneurs | MISBAH TANVEER CHOUDHRY | Duration 06 months PKR 3,000,000/- | M Amanullah & Amina Qureshi |
06-252 | Dissecting the Effect of Internal R&D, Imported Input Variety and External Technology Acquisition on Export Competitiveness of Pharmaceuticals in Pakistan | ABDUL RAUF | Duration 06 months PKR 3,200,000/- | A Waqar Qasim & Shahid Mehmood |
06-253 | Redefining Urban Spaces: Harnessing the Potential of Public-Private Partnership for Sustainable City Regeneration | SHOAIB KHALID | Duration 06 months PKR 3,000,000/- | Nadeem Ul Haque & Zahid Asghar |
06-265 | An In-Depth Analysis of Job Satisfaction Among Women Transitioning from Traditional Employment to Online Jobs | SUMAIRA YASMIN | Duration 06 months PKR 1,200,000/- | Durre Nayab & Izza Aftab |
06-269 | Democracy on Trial: A Study of the 2024 Elections in Pakistan | MOHAMMAD WASEEM | Duration 06 months PKR 2,500,000/- | Durre Nayab & Sultan Mehmood |
06-280 | Evaluating the comprehensive socio-economic Impact of the HMDC Dual Carriageway on Regional Development through PPP initiatives | HIRA HUSSAIN | Duration 06 months PKR 2,600,000/- | Zafar ul Hassan & Naeem uz Zafar |
06-293 | Low Crime Conviction and Capacity Challenges of Police in Punjab: A Mixed Method Study and Intervention | SYED IMRAN HAIDER | Duration 06 months PKR 3,400,000/- | Hafeez Jamali & Khalid Chauhan |