Muhammad Asghar Memon
Chief Economist Planning and Development Department, Government of Sindh, Pakistan
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Chief Economist Planning and Development Department, Government of Sindh, Pakistan
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PhD (Computational Economics/Operations Management) University of Auckland, New Zealand | M.Phil.(Economics) Quaid-i-Azam University, Islamabad | M.Sc. (Economics) University of Arid Agriculture, Rawalpindi Aman Ullah has held various important positions in P&D Board; Chief Economist, Director of Punjab Economic Research Institute and Program Director, R&D Fund for Academia. He has a diverse experience in the public
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Chief Economist Planning and Development Department, Government of Baluchistan, Pakistan
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PhD (Economics), University of Nice Sophia Antipolis, France Nadeem Javed is currently working for the Government of Pakistan as the Chief Economist. Mr. Javed earlier served as chief economist from 2014 to 2018 and worked for the State Bank of Pakistan too. Mr. Javed has also worked as the Associate Dean of Karachi School of
MA (Library & Information Sciences), Sarhad University, Peshawar Since 2011, Muhammad Shahzad Afsar has been serving at PIDE in various administrative positions.
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MBA (Finance) Al-Khair University, Peshawar | MA (Economics) University of Peshawar Saeed ul Riaz has worked with local and international development sector institutions. His area of specialization includes admin support, grant management, budgeting and accounts preparation. He has served in the USAID Pakistan mission in the financial management office. He also worked as Program Manager
M.Phil. (Economics), Quaid-e-Azam University, Islamabad | M.A. (Economics), University of the Punjab, Lahore | Post Graduate Diploma (Information Technology), AIOU, Islamabad Nazam Maqbool is the Social Scientist/Project Manager at RASTA CGP – an initiative of the Planning Commission of Pakistan and PIDE. He worked as the Senior Research Fellow at the Lahore University of Management
DPhil (Economics), University of Oxford, UK Adeel Malik is a development macroeconomist with a strong multi-disciplinary orientation. His research engages with questions of long-run development, political economy and economic history, with a special focus on Muslim societies. His work combines quantitative and qualitative research methods. Apart from engaging with cross-country empirics on development, he is
PhD (Economics), Pakistan Institute of Development Economics, Islamabad | MSc (Statistics) Zahid Asghar is the Director of School of Economics at the Quaid-i-Azam University, Islamabad. He served as senior faculty at the National Institute of Banking and Finance, State Bank of Pakistan, Islamabad, and remained Chairman, Department of Statistics at QAU. His areas of research
PhD (Economics), The New School, New York City, USA | MA (Economics), The New School New York City, USA | MS (Public Policy), Beaconhouse National University Izza Aftab is an Assistant Professor of Economics at Beaconhouse National University (BNU) Lahore. She was the founding Chairperson of the Economics Department at ITU Lahore. She was also