Public Private Partnerships In Education: Evaluation Of Education Management Organizations In Sindh, Pakistan

Theme/Relevant Ministry:


M/o Federal Education & Professional Training; Sindh education department

Project Brief:

The focus of this study was to investigate public-private partnerships (PPPs) in education, in this instance by evaluating the Educational Management Organizations (EMOs) Program in Sindh, Pakistan. The study is guided by the research questions which were intended to evaluate to what extent, how, in what way, and for whom PPP mode of education through EMOs improve access to education, ensure quality and equity in education, and sustainability in the context of Sindh, Pakistan? We have chosen the Realist Evaluation as a methodological approach, applied New Public Management as a theoretical framework to answer the research questions, and adopted a mixed methods research design. The data collection includes EMOs policy documents, PSLM survey, SEMIS, and SAT data sets. Moreover, we have conducted 37 semi-structured interviews and FGDs with the EMO stakeholders, including policy developers, school operators, managers, headteachers, teachers, and parents. The findings indicate that PPPs through EMOs have some advantages in better governance of schools through autonomy and decentralization. The schools’ accountability, monitoring, and evaluation have been somehow improved. However, the broader impact of EMOs reform still does not reflect in increasing access, overall quality, and ensuring equity; also, the sustainability of these schools after EMOs contractual period remained unpredicted. This study may open a window for policymakers and concerned stakeholders to better understand what works, for whom, in what circumstances and design a better regulatory framework of PPPs beyond the piecemeal approach to education reform.

Public Policy Relevance:

This study investigates public private partnerships (PPPs) in education, in this instance by evaluating the Educational Management Organizations (EMOs) Program in Sindh, Pakistan. The study provides an opportunity to policymakers to better understand what works, for whom, in what circumstances and in what respects, relative to these PPPs.


Final Research Report, Policy Brief and Journal article can be downloaded from the link:

CGP 01-044
Gul Muhammad Rind
Assistant Professor, Sukkur IBA University (PI)
12 months
Rs. 3,637,247