Dr. Nasir Javed

MBA (with Focus on Urban Sector), University of Cardiff at Wales, UK | Bachelor of Laws(LLB), Karachi University | MCPS (Psychiatry), College of Physicisans and Surgeons Pakistan | MBBS, King Edward Medical College, Lahore

Nasir Javed is an Urban Development Specialist with more than 25 years of cumulative & diverse experience of working as a Project Team Lead, as an individual consultant, practical hands on at city level, with a couple of publications.

He holds an MBA focusing Public Private Partnership in urban services, while previously had degrees in Medicine, Psychiatry and Law from most prestigious Institutions, and has served as civil servant as a DMG officer.

The highlight of experience is the conception and establishment of The Urban Unit; a state of the art think tank & consultancy firm, within the public sector. While heading the Unit for almost 14 years, led a number of development projects as the Project Director/Team Lead mostly related to Urban Governance, Water & Sanitation, Land Use & Urban Planning, E governance & automation and Urban economics, municipal Finance and Punjab Spatial Strategy. These included projects sponsored by WB, ADB, USAID, JICA & UNDP, in addition to the Public Sector Development Program.

Prior to this, he has worked for over four years as a consultant to ADB, USAID, UNICEF and others, on urban sector projects. He has more than four years of field experience of urban service delivery at the Karachi & Lahore city level, in addition to 5 years General Administration at District and Tehsil level, providing a comprehensive experience & expertise. Has visited and studied more than 40 cities around the World, as part of trainings/conferences / study visits on urban Development.

Javed has been a member of the Cities That Work council of the IGC; is a Syndicate member of the prestigious University of Engineering & Technology Lahore; a member of the editorial board of SAGE Journal, ‘Environment & Urbanization Asia’, and has authored a number of conference papers & book chapters in the urban sector.

Dr. Nasir Javed
Former CEO of the Urban Unit Punjab
Government of Pakistan